Unicrop Biochem

How Does KMB Help in Increasing Crop Yield?

Increasing crop yield is a primary goal for farmers around the world. Achieving this often requires a combination of good farming practices, suitable weather conditions, and the right inputs, such as fertilizers and bio-enhancers. One such product that has gained attention for its effectiveness in boosting crop yield is KMB (Potash Mobilizing Bacteria) by Unicrop Biochem. This blog will explore how KMB works, its benefits, and how it contributes to increased crop yield.

Understanding the Role of Potash in Crop Growth

Potash, or potassium, is one of the three essential macronutrients that plants need for healthy growth, alongside nitrogen and phosphorus. Potassium plays a critical role in various plant physiological processes, including:

  • Regulating Water Uptake: Potassium helps regulate the opening and closing of stomata, which control water loss and uptake in plants. This process is vital for maintaining turgor pressure and preventing wilting.
  • Activating Enzymes: Potassium is involved in activating various enzymes that are essential for photosynthesis, protein synthesis, and energy production within the plant.
  • Improving Disease Resistance: Adequate potassium levels in plants enhance their resistance to diseases and pests by strengthening cell walls and improving overall plant health.
  • Enhancing Fruit Quality: Potassium is crucial for fruit development, affecting size, color, and flavor. It also helps in the efficient transfer of sugars and starches, leading to better crop quality.

Despite its importance, potassium is often locked in the soil in forms that plants cannot readily absorb. This is where KMB comes into play.

What Is KMB?

KMB, or Potash Mobilizing Bacteria, is a biofertilizer that contains a specific strain of bacteria capable of solubilizing potassium from the soil, making it available for plant uptake. Unicrop Biochem has developed KMB as a sustainable alternative to chemical fertilizers, designed to naturally enhance the availability of potassium in the soil.

How KMB Increases Crop Yield

KMB contributes to increased crop yield through several mechanisms:

1. Potassium Solubilization

  • Process: The bacteria in KMB produce organic acids and enzymes that dissolve insoluble potassium compounds in the soil, converting them into forms that plants can easily absorb. This increases the potassium availability in the root zone, ensuring that plants receive an adequate supply of this essential nutrient.
  • Impact on Yield: With better access to potassium, plants can optimize their physiological functions, leading to improved growth, enhanced resistance to stress, and ultimately higher yields.

2. Enhanced Nutrient Uptake

  • Process: KMB not only mobilizes potassium but also improves the overall nutrient uptake efficiency of plants. By maintaining a balanced nutrient environment in the soil, KMB ensures that plants can absorb other essential nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, more effectively.
  • Impact on Yield: Enhanced nutrient uptake supports vigorous plant growth, leading to stronger stems, healthier leaves, and more robust root systems. This, in turn, results in increased crop productivity.

3. Improved Water Use Efficiency

  • Process: Potassium plays a crucial role in regulating water use within the plant. By ensuring that plants have adequate potassium, KMB helps them manage water stress more effectively, particularly during periods of drought or high temperatures.
  • Impact on Yield: Better water use efficiency means that plants can maintain growth and productivity even under suboptimal moisture conditions, leading to more consistent yields.

4. Strengthening Plant Immunity

  • Process: Potassium is known to enhance plant immunity by strengthening cell walls and activating defense mechanisms against pathogens and pests. KMB, by increasing potassium availability, contributes to healthier plants with better natural resistance.
  • Impact on Yield: Healthier plants are less susceptible to diseases and pest attacks, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and ensuring higher survival rates, which contribute to higher yields.

5. Supporting Reproductive Growth

  • Process: Potassium is vital during the reproductive phase of plant growth, affecting flower formation, fruit set, and seed development. KMB ensures that plants receive sufficient potassium during these critical stages.
  • Impact on Yield: Proper potassium levels during reproductive growth lead to better fruit quality, increased fruit size, and higher seed viability, all of which contribute to higher overall crop yields.

Application of KMB for Optimal Results

To achieve the best results with KMB, it is important to apply it correctly. The recommended application methods and dosages vary depending on the type of crop and the specific needs of the soil. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Soil Application

  • Method: KMB can be mixed with compost or farmyard manure and applied to the soil before planting. This ensures that the bacteria are evenly distributed in the root zone; consequently, they can begin mobilizing potassium.
  • Dosage: Typically, 2-3 kilograms of KMB per acre, when mixed with 50 kilograms of compost, is recommended for most crops.

2. Seed Treatment

  • Method: Seeds can be treated with a slurry of KMB before planting. This method, therefore, ensures that the beneficial bacteria are present from the very beginning of the plant’s life cycle; consequently, it promotes healthy growth from the start.
  • Dosage: Generally, 200 grams of KMB per 10 kilograms of seeds is a common recommendation.

3. Foliar Spray

  • Method: In some cases, KMB can be applied as a foliar spray, particularly during critical growth stages such as flowering or fruiting. This method, therefore, provides a direct supply of potassium to the leaves, thereby enhancing nutrient uptake and, consequently, supporting reproductive growth.
  • Dosage: Typically, it is recommended to mix 1-2 kilograms of KMB in 100 liters of water per acre for foliar application.

Benefits of Using KMB

Using KMB as part of an integrated nutrient management strategy offers several benefits:

1. Sustainability

  • KMB promotes sustainable farming practices by reducing, consequently, the reliance on chemical fertilizers. Additionally, as a biofertilizer, it enhances soil health and fertility naturally, thereby contributing to long-term agricultural sustainability.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

  • By improving the efficiency of potassium uptake, KMB consequently reduces the need for expensive chemical fertilizers. This can lead to significant cost savings for farmers, particularly over multiple growing seasons.

3. Environmental Protection

  • KMB, consequently, minimizes the risk of soil and water pollution associated with chemical fertilizers. Moreover, by promoting natural nutrient cycling, it helps protect the environment and, in turn, supports biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems.

4. Improved Crop Quality

  • KMB not only increases crop yield but also enhances the quality of the produce. Better potassium nutrition leads to improved fruit size, color, and flavor, making the crops more marketable and profitable.


KMB by Unicrop Biochem is a powerful tool for farmers looking to increase their crop yields while maintaining soil health and promoting sustainability. By mobilizing potassium and improving nutrient uptake, KMB ensures that plants receive the essential nutrients they need for optimal growth and productivity.

Whether used in cereals, pulses, vegetables, or fruit crops, KMB offers a natural, effective solution to enhance crop yield and quality. By incorporating KMB into their farming practices, farmers can achieve higher productivity, better crop quality, and greater profitability, all while contributing to a more sustainable agricultural future.

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